Monday, 4 February 2008

Hansel & Gretel

Based on Charlotte's idea to do the walk alone, then return and retrace your steps, I tried a 'sticker walk' this weekend. I took a walk from Pentonville Road to Holborn, placing a small bright orange arrow on any specific elements that stood out as immediateley positive or negative to me, and then walked back to analyse them at a slower pace and take a photo.

Again, an element of curiousity came into the positive, as well as 'signs of life'. One of the most memorable was a hole in either side of the railings in a small park near Kings Cross. The hole was followed by a worn down path which had almost been ceremoniously marked by placing a cut branch on either side. Some people might have seen it as vandalism.

It worked well as a technique, allowing you to move at a natural pace. But is biased towards visual standout of stationary objects, as anything that moves, smells or any sounds won't necessarily be there on the way back.

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